Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Open Letter"

Dear Colleagues:

The Progressive Teachers ask members to unite with us to elect a new UTR Leadership and Executive Board that will work for a democratic, inclusive, member-centered union. Electing progressive new leadership can make all the difference in UTR in the March 2008 election. In the last election, we received about 40% of the overall vote. With more supporters we could change our union to be united, not divided.

This is the record of the Progressive Teachers. Since last August we

Initiated the UTR election reform process for a Scantron ballot and

Submitted language for bylaw changes for transparency, term
limits for
officers, and bargaining team members

motions at Rep Council for a strike authorization vote,
movement discussion
with the Oakland and Tulare teachers on grassroots
organizing against NCLB,
changing the UTR Candidates' Forum to a debate,
question, and answer format,
and training in parliamentary procedures for all

Conducted public forums on NCLB and Health Care

Made a presentation on Single Payer Health Care SB840 at the
School Board meeting in December 2007

Visited 16 schools
since September 2007 to talk with members about
their concerns and working
conditions at their sites

Members need to learn about the history and political outlook of any candidate for office in our union and judge them on their record of service to members. Candidates should not be elected to office merely on the bases of longevity, reputation, and name recognition. To that end we have planned several forums that we invite members to participate in.

A sure way to turn our union around and change the course in UTR is to vote for Progressive Teacher activists who have in a public, principled way opposed fear, barriers, doubt, secrecy, and undemocratic practices. It has been said, "If you keep on doing what you're doing you will keep getting what you're getting." Our members have told us that they want change and we're asking members to have the courage to fight back and vote for Progressive Teacher candidates. It's our union! Membership is about ownership!

Contact information:,,, visit,

In Unity