The results of the UTR Elections have been posted. Over three hundred-fifty members voted for the Progressive Teachers platform for change. We thank you for your support. We shall continue our campaign for change and need your involvement.
Action Item Negotiations
Our contract expires on June 30th. Members should be informed of the following:
Who is on the UTR negotiating team?
Has our team begun to bargain with the District?
What are our demands at the bargaining table?
Parcel Tax:
The consultant who conducted polling for the District reported their findings at the April 16 WCCUSD School Board meeting. The report revealed that the community will support the renewal of the current parcel tax through 2009. A parcel tax requires 2/3 of votes cast in order to pass.
In the last transfer round the district advertised positions for most counselors as one year only. Counselors and librarians are members of our local who are paid through parcel tax monies. Support your colleagues and actively work to pass the parcel tax
What can you do?
- Attend and actively participate at the rep council meetings
- Support changing the ratification process
- Talk to the Executive Board members elected to serve you
- Support the renewal of the Parcel Tax
- Attend WCCUSD Board meetings and make your voice heard
- Network and educate your colleagues on the issues at other sites
- Share the Progressive Teachers blog with your colleague
Don't agonize, Organize!